
*You can replace this with another child's name.

English Transliteration


Ada deenoo safalakateenoo safalakateekato
Eelek beelek boom eelek beelek boom

Kassartee Elâood lakeet feeha dood
Ya hajjar ya najjar
Hatee el eeddee oo lmoonshar oo elhaqnee â beebee ddar

Âlleeq beessee oo âlleeq far, Âlleeq beessee oo âlleeq far,

Ha ha ha!

Kassartee Elâood lakeet feeha dood
Ya hajjar ya najjar
Hatee el eeddee oo lmoonshar oo elhaqnee â beebee ddar

Âlleeq beessee oo âlleeq far, Âlleeq beessee oo âlleeq far.

â (or 3): "ah" pronounced very deep in the throat
q: dark "k" pronounced raising the roof of the mouth




Many thanks to Raida in Germany for recording this song for Mama Lisa's World. Shukran!

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Laamarti for the Arabic text. Thanks also to Monique Palomares for the English translation and transliteration. Shukran!