The Bumblebee Was Under The Barn - American Children's Songs - The USA - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


*Or say the baby's name.
**Or "his".

Game Instructions

On line #1-2: Twirl finger around like a flying bee in a circle.
On line #3-4: Circle closer to the baby.
On line #5-6: Tickle baby!



Recited by Lisa Yannucci.

The version in the video below is:

Bumble Bee was in the barn,
Carrying his dinner under his arm,
And Bzzzzzzzz!
Please let us know if you think this video has been taken down by YouTube.
The words to the rhyme in the video below are:

"The bumblebee goes round the barn
And tickles you right under the arm!"

It's then repeated over and over again.
Please let us know if you think this video has been taken down by YouTube.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Meg for sharing this tickling rhyme!

Image compiled by Lisa, Bee my Monique.