Different verses of this song exist and you can choose which ones you like to sing. You can even make up your own rhymes.

Down by the Bay - American Children's Songs - The USA - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


The kids' singer Raffi made "Down by the Bay" popular in the US, although it was known before that.

Here are some more verses sent by Tony and Kendra Gioia:

Did you ever see rats wearing silk hats?
Did you ever see a goose drinking apple juice?
Did you ever see a goat riding in a boat?
Did you ever see a moose with a loose front tooth?
Did you ever see an octopus, dancing with a platypus?
Did you ever see a time, when you couldn't make a rhyme?
Did you ever see a fox, hiding in a box?
Did you ever see a fish do a hula in a dish?
Did you ever see a duck in a pickup truck?
Did you ever see a snake baking a cake?
Did you ever see a cat, wearing a hat?
Did you ever see an ant, climbing a plant?
Did you ever see a mouse, building a house?
Did you ever see a hog walking a dog?
Did you ever see a dog dancing with a frog?
Did you ever see a bat kissing a cat?
Did you ever see a toad running in the road?

Please let us know if you think this video has been taken down by YouTube.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Thanks to Tony and Kendra Gioia for sharing more verses!