Muriola, muriola
Ladybird is British for ladybug.
Muriola, muriola
Ladybird, Ladybird
Nursery Rhyme
Nursery Rhyme
Muriola, muriola,
curri e bola.
Curri e bola,
portaminci fin'a iscola
portaminci fin'a iscola
sa lezioni po' imparai
sa lezioni po' imparai
cun su contu de nannai
cun su contu de nannai
muriola bai in bonora
Muriola bai in bonora
e saludi a sa sennora.
Ladybird, ladybird,
Run and fly
Run and fly
Carry me to school
Carry me to school
To learn the lesson
To learn the lesson
And old wives' tales,
And old wives' tales,
Ladybird, have a good trip
Ladybird, have a good trip
And regards to your wife.
"Bai in bonora" is what they say in Sardinia when people are leaving for a trip, "bon voyage" in French.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Giovanni Pisu for sharing this rhyme with us!