"It's an extremely old song in south Louisiana, with possible origins in Acadie or France. As a children's tune, many Cajun recall hearing the song sang by their parents for fun. Others remember the song while attending grade school." -Early Cajun Music

There are different versions of this song.


Another Version:

Saute, crapaud ! Ta queue va brûler,
Mais prends courage, elle va repousser.
Tiens, madame, la tasse de café,
Non, merci, ta tasse est trop sale.


Jump, toad! Your tail will burn,
But take courage, it will grow back.
Here, ma'am, a cup of coffee,
No, thank you, your cup is too dirty.


You can find more versions of Saute Crapaud here.

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The lyrics to the version in the video below are:

Saute crapaud
ta queue va tomber
Z'et perds pas espoir
Z'a va repousser
Et saute crapaud
ta queue va tomber
Z'et danse Gabette
C'est toi qui l'auras

Jump toad
Your tail will fall off
Don't lose hope
It will grow back
And jump toad
Your tail will fall off
And dance Gabette
It's you who will have it.

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You can hear the version from the Song Notes at 1:00 in the video below...

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