Sur la place du marché
un baptême est annoncé
Sur la place du marché
un baptême est annoncé
In the Market Place
a Christening Has Been Announced
Chanson enfantine
Children's Song
Sur la place du marché
Un baptême est annoncé.
Qui est la marraine ?
C'est une hirondelle.
Qui est le parrain ?
C'est un gros lapin.
Qui est la nourrice ?
C'est une écrevisse.
Et qui est l'enfant ?
C'est un éléphant.
In the market place
A christening has been announced.
Who is the godmother?
It's a swallow.
Who is the godfather?
It's a big rabbit.
Who is the wet nurse?
It's a crawfish.
And who is the child?
It's an elephant.
A variation of the part of this song starting at the line "Qui est la marraine ?" (Who is the godmother?) can be found in the song, "Une souris verte". (Read note on that page).