"An Australian kids song from when I was at school..." -Monique


*Alternative last line for 4th verse: "Oh yuck, what a mess!"

Amy wrote, "An alternative last line rather than 'Oh look a butterfly' is 'Ouch mummy smacked me' but we are probably not allowed to sing that version anymore because parents aren't allowed to smack their kids."

Game Instructions

Actions for Australian Baby Bumblebee

1st Verse: Hold hands clasped together as if carrying something.
2nd Verse: Squash hands together as if squashing the bee.
3rd Verse: Pretend to lick hands.
4th Verse: Mime throwing up.
5th Verse: Mime mopping the floor.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Monique C. for contributing this song. Thanks to Amy Murphy for providing the actions.

Thanks so much!