Oh, Pillar Caterpillar - Indian Children's Songs - India - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image

Game Instructions

Two people face each other or if it's more than two players they should stand in a circle repeating the following actions to the beat of the chant:

1. Clap up with your left hand while the person to your left claps down with their right hand on your left hand. At the same time, clap down with your right hand while the person to your left claps up on your right hand.
2. High five the person on your right (with your right hand) and the person on your left (with your left hand) at the same time.
3. Clap 3 times.

Keep repeating actions 1 – 3 to the rhythm of the chant.

In the video below, they start the game with a small group and add a player after very line. Then they repeat the game and get rid of a player on every line.

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Here's another version...

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Here's another version of the rhyme...

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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Image edited by Lisa.