"This is one of the most favorite clapping games played amongst young girls during their free time. Children are seen playing it almost everywhere at all times. The game is a recital and is played between two (at times three+) players facing each other and singing and clapping in a rhythmic pattern. The words and the clapping sequence vary from place to place. In this game, all participants are equally active at all times." -Dsource


(1) The literal translation would be 'raw thread,' but that refers to weak threads that break on impact, like ones used in races when the winner rushes and breaks the ribbon, declaring they won.
(2) The leaf was raw as in being immature and still in its growing stage.
(3) As in drowning
(4) Rasmalai is a type of Indian sweet that is made from milk.
(5) "Macchli" is the real word, while "macchi" is slang.
(6) It could be "took" or "endured" some slaps, but the literal translation is "eating" slaps and it's funny, haha.

Game Instructions

Two people face each other or if it's more than two players they should stand in a circle repeating the following actions to the beat of the chant:

1. Clap up with your left hand while the person to your left claps down with their right hand on your left hand. At the same time, clap down with your right hand, while the person to your right claps up on your right hand with their left hand.
2. High five the person on your right (with your right hand) and the person on your left (with your left hand) at the same time.
3. Clap.

Keep repeating actions 1 – 3 to the rhythm of the chant.


There are variations of the game and of the lyrics.

Here's a slightly different version in the original Hindi text:

आओ मीलो शिलो शालो
कच्चा धागा रेस लगा लो
दस पत्ते तोड़े एक पत्ता कच्चा
हिरण का बच्चा
हिरण गया पानी में
पकड़ा उसकी नानी ने
नानी गई रुठ
नानी को मनाएंगे
रसमलाई खाएंगे
रसमलाई अच्छी
हमने खाई मच्छी
मच्छी से निकला कांटा
तेरा मेरा चांटा

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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Akira Chan for the translation and song notes!

Dhanyavad !