Some Russian Tongue Twisters
Tongue Twister
Tongue Twister
Кукушка кукушонку сшила капюшон.
Примерил кукушонок капюшон.
Как в капюшоне он смешон!
Шла Саша по шоссе
и сосала сушку.
У ужа ужата,
У ежа ежата.
Тридцать три пирога
С пирогом и все творогом.
От топота копыт
Пыль по полю летит.
(Sounds s, sh)
(Sound dg -ж )
(Sounds t, p, r)
(Sounds t, p, l)
A cuckoo sewed a hood to a little cuckoo.
The little cuckoo tried the hood.
How funny he looks in the hood.
Sasha went through the shosse*
And sucked sooshka**.
The grass-snake has little grass-snakes,
The hedge-hog has little hedge-hogs.
33 cakes with a cake
And all with cottage cheese.
The dust flies through the field
Because of the pounding of the horses' hoofs.
**Small ring-shaped cracker
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Tanya Lavrenov for contributing and translating these tongue twisters.
Bolshoe spasibo!
Большое спасибо!