"Codobelc" is what kids call snails in Romania.


*"Coarne bourești" means "bovine-like horns" (actually "aurochs-like" as "bour" means "aurochs" in Romanian). Some versions have it as "bourel" instead (same meaning).

Re "Codobelc": CODOBÉLC, codobelci, name given to the snail in some children's games. Contamination between codoberc (without tail) and snail. -Translated from an online Romanian Dictionary


"This song is a favorite of the kids when they find a snail and they can play with it and the retractile eyes." -Bogdan Jaglau

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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Adrian Danila from Cantece Gradinita for contributing and translating this rhyme for us (with Lisa).
