This is a tricky rhyme to translate because it's based on the ending of the last word on one line being part a word on the next line. It's the same kind of untranslatable rhyme as "Hello-operator" but much more complicated. Even literally it's nonsense to translate and in Spanish it's already nonsense!


* Many people say "agua 'e rá"
** Due to our way of pronouncing Spanish, it should be "Ciacabó".


Arca sent this song with the note, "Here is the version of 'Se murió Lola' that is sung in Dominican Republic. I haven't included the last line of the song because it's a little vulgar and even if here everybody knows it, I don't know if it'd be family friendly according to other countries standards.

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Please let us know if you think this video has been taken down by YouTube.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Arca Zaga for contributing the Dominican version of "Se murió Lola".

¡Muchas gracias!