This song is also called "Tin Tin Tini Mini Hanim" (My Dear Little Lady).

Each line is repeated before going on to the next line.

Şeftali ağaçları - Turkish Children's Songs - Turkey - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


*Literally, "in the form of a crescent moon". Another interpretation of this line is, "Tomorrow, she'll arch her eyebrows at me."
**Literally, "my soul loves you".

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There's a dance for children that goes with this song. You can see it and listen to an explanation of the dance in English in the following video.
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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Translated by Lisa. Translation inspired by the translation here. Thanks to Ayse Jolly for correcting the French translation. It helped us improve the English translation!

Image: A flowering peach tree (Prunus persica) in Kantin, Karaisalı - Adana, Turkey by Zeynel Cebeci, cc.