This Neapolitan tune was popularized by Niccolò Paganini in his song "Carnival of Venice". Chopin also used it in "Souvenir de Paganini". The tune was also borrowed for the Austrian song "Mein Hut, er hat drei Ecken" (My Hat It Has Three Corners) that has many versions in many languages.

This song is in Lombard dialect.

O cara la mia mama - Italian Children's Songs - Italy - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


In "La mia morosa cara. Canti popolari milanesi e Lombardi" (1980), Nanni Svampa dates the song to the 1880's or a little later.

Here is the song in standard Italian from Wikisource:

Oh, cara la mia mamma
sei senza compassione
se mi lasci qui alla filanda
a morire di sofferenza.

E se fosse il caso
ti terrei a casa,
ti manderei a scuola
a imparare a lavorare.

Così poiché son povera
non posso fare niente,
stai pure allegramente,
questo mondo finirà.

Niccolò Paganini's tune.
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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Translated by Monique Palomares.

Image: Girls as Mill Workers by Lewis W. Hine, 1908 (LOC).