Sedia, sediola
Valentina wrote: "I am Roman, this is the only version I have always known of "Sedia, sediola" and it is in Italian..."
Sedia, sediola
Chair, Little Chair
Lap Rhyme
Lap Rhyme
(Nome) va a scuo-la
si porta il ca-nestre-llo
pie-no pieno di pizzu-tello
la mae-stra
gli fa fe-sta
e glielo butta da-lla
Little chair
(Kid's Name) goes to school
He brings a basket
Full, full of pizzutello (grapes)**
The teacher
Greets him
And pushes him through
The window.
*The dash equals a pause stretching the vowel sound of the preceding syllable
**Pizzutello is a type of grapes which are a specialty of the town of Tivoli, near Rome.
Game Instructions
"You sing it by holding a child's hands while he or she is seated on your lap facing you, with legs apart. While singing you let him or her move his back to and fro; while pronouncing the last lines you let him go further from you (always holding his hands) as if pretending to let him fall out of a window, like the last lines of the song say. Children enjoy a little dose of scary excitement." -Valentina
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Valentina for contributing this song and the instructions.
Grazzie mille!