
Here is a short genesis of "Tango para chicos"

When, one morning, Graciela Pesce was about to send her son to school, the boy, reluctant at first then with much more determination, expressed his will not to go that day, since they had "Ugh, tango!". That Mom, author and composer, knew at once what she must do. With a level-headed spirit and an intuition that didn't fail her as far as we can see, she set out so that her son and other kids like him would what tango was. Talking in a clear and easily understandable speech, she created a series of tangos "for kids". Preschool teacher, workgroup manager, educationalist and composer, Graciela Pesce released her first "Tango para chicos" CD in 1998.


Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Graciela Pesce and Daniel Yarmolinski for contributing this song by Graciela Pesce from Tango para chicos

¡Muchas gracias!