Mango Time - Jamaican Children's Songs - Jamaica - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


(1) Or "height"
(2) Robin Mango, Number 11 and Hairy-skin are all types of mangos. The "Robin" would be common, and the "Number 11" would be excellent. The hairy-skin one surely refers to the… stringy fur clinging to the core of certain mangoes… This one being perhaps more so than the others. Some may have a slight taste of turpentine. That's why turpentine is mentioned.
(3) It's a travelling basket or the type of basket that hangs over the side of a donkey.
(4) Mango walk can mean orchard - I wonder if there's a double meaning here (because they're in an orchard and then they go riding the donkey with a basket full of mangos).

This is the traditional way Mango Time was sung. The verse order is 1, 3, then 2.

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This is the modern way Mango Time is sung...

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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Glasceta Honeyghan for contributing this song. Thanks to Purabi Khisa for sharing her mango tree photo. It was taken in Bangladesh. Thanks to Tristan for helping with the meaning.