A Was an Apple Pie

A Was an Apple Pie
Nursery Rhyme
A was an apple pie,
B bit it,
C cut it,
D dealt it,
E eat it,
F fought for it,
G got it,
H had it,
I inspected it,
J jumped for it,
K kept it,
L longed for it,
M mourned for it,
N nodded at it,
O opened it,
P peeped in it,
Q quartered it,
R ran for it,
S stole it,
T took it,
U upset it,
V viewed it,
W wanted it,
X, Y, Z, and ampersand
All wished for a piece in hand.

The version of "A Was an Apple Pie" in the recording below is only slightly different from the words above...
Recording by Aaron Walden.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
1st illustration from "A Apple Pie" (1886) by Kate Greenaway. This rhyme and illustration can be found in The Big Book of Nursery Rhymes (circa 1920) edited by Walter Jerrold (1865 - 1929) and illustrated by Charles Robinson.