Soy la reina de los mares
Soy la reina de los mares
I'm the Queen of the Seas
Canción infantil
Jump Rope Song
Soy la reina de los mares
Y tú no lo puedes ser
Tiro mi pañuelo al suelo
Y lo vuelvo a recoger
Pañuelito, pañuelito
Quién te pudiera tener
Guardadito en el bolsillo
Como un pliego de papel.
I'm the queen of the seas
And you can't be.
I throw down my handkerchief
And I pick it up again.
Little hanky, little hanky,
Who could keep you,
Hidden in his pocket
Like a folded sheet of paper.
Dani Laura wrote:
"I have a comment for the page of the children's song 'Soy la reina de los mares', my mother (Ana) sang it saying:
Soy la reina de los mares
Y ustedes lo van a ver
(I'm the queen of seas
and you are going to see it.)
She was from Vigo (Galicia, northwestern Spain).
Kind regards
Dani Laura
Game Instructions
Song to jump rope to. Two children hold the ends of the jump rope and make it turn, a third one is jumping in the middle. On the words "Tiro mi pañuelo al suelo", he/she drops her handkerchief, and he/she picks it up on "recoger".
Sheet Music
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Cleofé García González for contributing this song and to Monique Palomares for translating it and creating the midi music. Thanks to Dani Laura for sharing her grandmother's version!
Thanks to Corrina for the illustration!
¡Muchas gracias!