Weißt du wieviel Sternlein stehen?
Weißt du wieviel Sternlein stehen?
Do You Know How Many Stars There Are?
1. Weißt du, wieviel Sternlein stehen
An dem blauen Himmelszelt?
Weißt du, wieviel Wolken gehen
Weithin über alle Welt?
Gott der Herr hat, sie gezählet,
Dass ihm auch nicht eines fehlet
An der ganzen großen Zahl,
An der ganzen großen Zahl.
2. Weißt du, wieviel Mücklein spielen
In der hellen Sommerglut?
Wieviel Fischlein auch sich kühlen
In der klaren Wasserflut?
Gott der Herr rief sie mit Namen,
Dass sie all' ins Leben kamen,
Dass sie nun so fröhlich sind,
Dass sie nun so fröhlich sind.
3. Weißt du wieviel Kinder schlafen,
heute nacht im Bettelein?
Weißt du wieviel Träume kommen
zu den müden Kinderlein?
Gott, der Herr, hat sie gezählet,
daß ihm auch nicht eines fehlet,
kennt auch dich und hat dich lieb,
kennt auch dich und hat dich lieb.
4. Weißt du, wieviel Kinder frühe
Stehn aus ihren Bettchen auf,
Dass sie ohne Sorg' und Mühe
Fröhlich sind im Tageslauf?
Gott im Himmel hat an allen
Seine Lust, sein Wohlgefallen,
Kennt auch dich und hat dich lieb,
Kennt auch dich und hat dich lieb.
1. Do you know how many little stars there are
In the wide blue sky?
Do you know how many clouds
There are over the whole wide world?
The Lord God counted them so well,
That none are missing
From the whole big lot of them,
From the whole big lot of them.
2. Do you know how many little flies play
In the bright summer heat?
How many little fishes cool themselves
In the clear water tide?
The Lord God called them by name,
So they all came into being,
And they're all so happy now,
And they're all so happy now.
3. Do you know how many children sleep
tonight in their beds?
Do you know how many dreams come
To the tired little children?
The Lord God has counted them
So that he has not missed one,
He knows you too and loves you
He knows you too and loves you.
4. Do you know how many children,
Get up early from their beds,
That are without care and sorrow,
Happy all day long?
God in Heaven plans for everyone,
Pleasure and delight,
Knows you too and loves you,
Knows you too and loves you.
Written by Johann Wilhelm Hey (1789–1854)
The melody was recorded in print back in 1818.
Here is an alternate beginning for the 2nd verse:
"Weißt du, wieviel Mücklein spielen
In der heißen Sonnenglut?
Wieviel Fischlein auch sich kühlen
In der hellen Wasserflut?"
English translation:
Do you know how many little flies play
In the blazing heat of the sun?
How many little fishes cool themselves
In the bright high tide?
The English text below is from Henry William Dulcken (1832-1894). It's not just a translation, but a version that's similar to the original.
Can you count the stars that brightly
Twinkle in the midnight sky?
Can you count the clouds, so lightly
O'er the meadows floating by?
God, the Lord, doth mark their number,
With His eyes that never slumber;
He hath made them every one
He hath made them every one.
Can you count the wings now flashing
In the sunshine's golden light?
Can you count the fishes splashing
In the cooling waters bright?
God, the Lord, a name hath given,
To all creatures under Heaven;
He hath named them every one
He hath named them every one.
Do you know how many children
Rise each morning blithe and gay?
Can you count their jolly voices,
Singing sweetly day by day?
God hears all the happy voices,
In their merry songs rejoices;
And He loves them, every one
And He loves them, every one.
Sophie Green wrote:
"Here's a small contribution, since German to English translation is a minor hobby of mine. A new translation of the German lullaby, 'Weißt du, wie viel Sternlein stehen'. I'd never found a translation that was true to the original, and also poetic and singable, so I hope you like this.
1. Do you know how many stars light,
twinkling bright on blue Heaven's sphere?
Do you know the breadth of cloud flight
o'er all the earth far and near?
Our dear Lord their count has taken,
that not one should be forsaken,
of the wondrous sum of All,
of the wondrous sum of All!
2. Do you know how many gnats play
in the brilliant light of the sun?
How many fish cooling their scales sway
through bright waters at high tide's run?
Our dear Lord by name did call them,
that to Life they all did forth come.
Now – how joyful – just to be,
now how joyful, just to be!
3. Do you know how many children
sleep tonight in their little beds?
Do you know how many dreams then,
come and go through sleepy-heads?
Our dear Lord their count has taken,
that not one should be forsaken;
and he knows and loves you too,
and he knows and loves you too!
4. Do you know how many children
from their little beds early rise,
to play happ'ly all the day long
free of toil and care as time flies?
God in Heaven, has for all and one
made a loving plan, and his will be done;
and he knows and loves you too,
and he knows and loves you too!

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Ulrike Bernhard for contributing this song and to Maguy Cabrol for translating it into French. Thanks to Sophia Green for her translation. Thanks also to Monique Palomares for the midi tune. Translated by Lisa and Monique.
Many thanks also to Thorsten Neukamm for enlightening us as to some points of spelling and for providing the alternate beginning of the 2nd verse.
Vielen Dank!